1. Who is in ASB?
Rio Vista Middle School is made up of an exceptional group of 7th and 8th grade students who demonstrated considerable desire, drive, and determination to be a part of this organization.
2. What does ASB do?
The role of ASB is to give back and serve the students at Rio Vista MS. The students in ASB work to raise school spirit in events held during lunch and during events such as the Award Ceremonies, Rallies and all school dances. They also work to raise student involvement in community service projects.
3. Where does ASB get their money?
Most of ASB’s money comes from the school’s Buy Night event, where students buy their PE clothes before school starts up for the year. In addition, ticket sales to events, special fundraisers, yearbook pre-sales, and spirit wear also contribute to their budget.
4. How can I be an ASB member?
All students who meet the eligibility requirements are allowed to apply for ASB in the Spring for the following school year, and the selection process includes a digital application, essay questions, and teacher recommendations. If you choose to run for an officer position, those elections are held each May for the upcoming school year.