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Computer Science/Applications

Rio Vista Tech
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Computer Applications Curriculum Outline

Trimester and Year-long Course

Classroom Curriculum Outline for Computer Science/Applications – Trimester and Year-long Course

This outline is intended to provide general information about topics explored in the Computer Science/Applications class.

All Classes:

Lesson Title Software Utilized Outcome Project
Acceptable Use and Online Safety Issues Various Student will have a better understanding of online safety and responsibilities and consequences related to access using school network. Student essay or other  demonstration of knowledge showing understanding of responsibilities
Keyboarding Skills with Typing Agent – Students spend the first 10 minutes of every class keyboarding Students practice ten finger typing and attempt to memorize keyboard.  Initial 10 minutes of every Friday is reserved for keyboarding games. Outcome is to meet keyboarding proficiency speed and accuracy:
6th – 35 wpm7th – 40 wpm8th – 45 wpm
Portfolios and task organization with Google Drive and Blogger Google Drive Students will create an on-line portfolio to organize their library of digital creations. On-going throughout year
Research with Google Search Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, Dogpile Search Advance search techniques using different search engines. see below
Citing sources in MLA Google Docs Students will cite sources using MLA format Student generate a list of sources found and site them using MLA format
Customizing Google Mail Google Mail Basic and advanced options in gmail. Students will generate a letter to teacher, attach photos and documents, CC and BCC another person.  They will also reply and forward mail and create labels to organize their mail.
Word processing in Google Docs   Creating, basic and advanced tools, stylizing, editing for effect and collaboration tools will be covered.  MLA Formatting will be reviewed Students will create a flyer/brochure and share it with peers.
Intro to Graphic Design and Gif formats Google Drawing & Introduction to graphic design techniques including color, dimension, & layering. Project include: flowchart or timeline, art project to demonstrate layering, & GIF
Schedules and invitations with Google Calendar Google Calendar Basic and advanced skills in calendar including set up, sharing, invitations, and tasks. Students will set up events, share a calendar, send and reply to invitation, build a task list
Building YouTube Channel YouTube Creating playlists, subscribing, video editing,  privacy concerns  
Coding with and Scratch! & Scratch Learn the basics of coding, building animations, and games S.W: Complete basic and advanced levels of program, animate name, view and comment on the work of others,
3D Design and Prototype – Tinkercad & Cura – Student design and print 2 projects on3D      

Year long classes receive instruction above plus:

On-site or in-classroom repair and update of student/classroom technology – MS – Students learn how to maintain, configure, and modify school technology

Movie making – Open Shot, Frames, Duo Ink (Green Screen) – Create service video

Sound recording – Audacity – Record sound as needed and create podcast

Student Created Software/hardware Tutorials – Google Draw & Screencast – Student create tutorials to help others learn a new skill in an application.

Website creation/updating – Weebly & Google Sites – Build and maintain school WS.

Problem Solving with Tinkercad/3D Printing – Tinkercad & Cura – Problem solving skills from identifying need to production/application of a solution

Coding in Scratch – Scratch – Build a multi-level, first person game

Surveys with Google Forms/ – Create surveys

Spreadsheets with Google Spreadsheets – Analyze data

Photo editing