The EXPLORE program at Rio Vista targets students with needs for academic support. The program at Rio Vista operates Monday-Friday from dismissal until 6 p.m. RSD EXPLORE Program Specialists provide homework help, academic enrichment, and other activities for Rio Vista students. Snack is provided. Spaces are limited. Please see the attached application.
We encourage students to be involved in a variety of school activities including: clubs, tutoring and ASB sponsored trips and
dances. Parents, of any student engaging in disruptive behavior, will be called to pick up their son/daughter from school activities.
Parents are asked to pick up their student promptly at the end of the activity. Note: Students absent from school the day of the
dance/activity may not attend without prior permission from school administration. Students who have been placed on the
administrative Loss of Privilege List must remain off the school grounds during the after school dance/activity.
Rio Vista offers a wide variety of after school programs including:
School Dances
School Trips